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Category: Vlog

4 Ways to Go From Cringe to Credible On Camera

Feeling “cringe” and self-conscious when you get in front of the camera? Let me give you a hand. In this video, we dive deep into helpful tips and tactics to improve your camera presence and overcome self-consciousness. We’ll give over the importance of authenticity, intentionality, camera-handling, and insights into enhancing your approach, energy, and tone while filming. Let’s jump in! 👌


Stop Feeling Like an Alien On-Camera: How to Develop Your On-Camera Persona

Trust me, the camera and I weren’t always best buddies. But turning from a nervous wreck to a news anchor taught me the power of practice and courage. With a dash of direction and lots of practice, you can find your video ‘X Factor.’ That “lights, camera, action” moment need not feel alien anymore! 🎬 Tune in to this video and let’s work on your on-camera confidence. 👌


The Problem Isn’t Their Attention Span, It’s You: Four Ways To Go From Boring to Bold On Video

No quite getting enough engagement on your videos? Don’t chalk it up to your audience’s attention-span—the problem is you’re not doing enough to not bore them.

You need to entertain to retain, enough to let them get through the information you want to relay!

Let me give you 4 ways to transform your video content from boring to engaging, to add the entertainment half of edutainment.


The Difference Between Website Content and Feed Content

Wondering whether to use the same video content on your website and your social media platforms? 💭

There’s a stark contrast in how audiences engage with video content on websites compared to their social media feeds, demanding the need for a tailored approach on each medium.

Let’s discuss it in this video and work on our video content strategy! ✅


Level Up Your On Camera Confidence Marking Your Script So You Can Deliver On Autopilot

Your video content doesn’t end with just writing a good script and setting it up on a teleprompter! It all leads to the most important part—the delivery. 🗣

In this video, we’re going to work on your on-camera presence and learn the art of delivering a script with confidence and without sounding like a robot. Conversational skills are key when it comes to keeping viewers’ attention and leaving a lasting impression for the right reasons! ✅


Learn how to create captivating dialogues in videos

Have you ever considered the impact of dialogue in your videos? It’s not just about talking on camera; it’s about recreating real-life experiences and using the actual words from those conversations to enhance your storytelling.

Discover why dialogue is essential in conveying character-driven stories authentically. By using dialogue, you can effortlessly reveal a character’s personality without the need for lengthy explanations. Let the words speak for themselves!


Avoid These Mistakes With Crappy Clients: Lessons Learned

In this video, I’m sharing some of the mistakes I’ve made with clients over the years and how I’ve learned to avoid them. I hope this video can help you avoid the same mistakes and develop more positive and successful client relationships.

Difficult clients are inevitable in any business, but by following these tips, you can develop a strategy for dealing with difficult clients and ensure that all of your interactions with them are profitable and positive!

Let’s grow together, one client at a time! Remember, your voice is as important as anyone else’s, so don’t forget to share your thoughts, your stories, or your questions in the comments below.


Level Up Your Zoom Calls! Video Lighting, Framing, and Delivery Tips

Getting ready for your next Zoom call? Let me give you a checklist to make sure your setup and delivery are on point for your next meeting! 📽️

In this video, I’m going to walk you through a few tips to elevate the aesthetic quality of your calls from framing to lighting, along with some key pointers on how to better establish your presence. 👌

Tune in, and don’t forget to keep an eye out for more videos about how to create quality video content and improve your on-camera delivery! ✅


Don’t Be Caught Speechless! Why Use A Teleprompter and Essential Setup Tips

Worried about stumbling over your lines? Losing your train of thought mid-sentence? Taking days to shoot a 2-minute video? I’ve got your secret weapon: the teleprompter! 🎥 From types of teleprompters to techniques and set-up, I’m demystifying it all!

In this vlog, I share fun and valuable behind-the-scenes footage of bringing you top-tier content. From scripting to set-up, I’ll walk you through my routine.

Enjoy my tips and tricks, and don’t forget to check out the upcoming videos where we’ll discuss reading conversationally and marking your scripts! 💻


Communication and Video Set-Up Tips to Enhance Your Messaging

Are you feeling nervous about your upcoming on-camera interview for college admissions, internships, or job placements? Don’t worry, Emmy Award-winning TV news veteran Kerry Barrett is here to help. In this video, Kerry shares some tips on setting up your video call shot, so that you can present yourself in the best possible light.
